Correct and fluent
Proofreading and translation
The perfect text

The perfect text
I am happy to help you with all work related to the perfect text. It doesn't matter whether it's a short text or a novel manuscript, a letter or an exam paper. However, I don't help with the creation of academic papers or the content of specialist papers. When correcting and editing, I not only rely on my specialist knowledge, but also use special programs, although not always an AI. Please note that these tools are only used before the final submission and I cannot unreservedly recommend them to laypeople, as Duden Mentor, for example, does not apply the correct punctuation rules in all cases.
My goal is to deliver authentic and high-quality texts.

Through my studies of German, English and Romance languages at the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel and my teaching at schools in Schleswig-Holstein and Paraguay, I have extensive language skills and experience in the field of editing and proofreading German texts. In South America, I successfully completed the German Language Diploma Levels I and II and, after returning to Germany, passed on my knowledge in German courses from A1 to C2. Due to my many years of experience, I have already successfully corrected and stylistically optimized numerous exam papers, specialist papers, short stories, theater texts, other prose texts and, more recently, novels.
Benefit from my expertise for precise and professional texts!

The prices given here are intended as a basis and as a guideline, because after the first review of your text, the final price may vary depending on the complexity of the corrections. A discount is possible, especially based on the number of pages. However, extensive correction and style improvement work may incur a slightly higher price. This will be discussed and agreed in advance. You will receive a cost estimate from me.
A. Proofreading
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation
Standard page: 4.50 €
+ 19% VAT
B. Proofreading & Printing
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation & expression improvement, e.g. word choice and style, sentence structure optimization
Standard page: €5.50
+ 19% VAT
C. Translation into English
Standard page: 6,50 €
+ 19% VAT
You will receive a proper invoice with VAT shown.

What is a standard page?
A standard page, when completely filled, has 30 lines of 60 characters each, or 1800 characters including spaces. But of course pages contain dialogues, paragraphs and breaks, so most pages only have around 1500-1600 characters.
Text files

For inquiries, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page. We can discuss details in advance by phone, in person at "Atelier Rodiwana" in Wismar or by email. For editing your text later, I prefer that you send me the text file in Word format by email. Please format your text according to standard page size beforehand. I can only give you feedback and a cost estimate after I have looked through your text. This may differ from the quoted prices and may be cheaper or more expensive.
We agree on a deadline and a partial advance payment, usually 20-30% of the total price. A small test correction is also possible in advance. Please pay by bank transfer. I am also happy to issue you an invoice if you wish.
Freedom for the author

Proofreading also includes checking the content of the text for consistency, character constellations, plot (structure of the story in prose texts). I do not offer proofreading of this kind separately. If I notice something on the relevant page that needs to be improved, I will note this in the offer B. Correction & printing , but I do not carry out a full proofreading because I do not want to interfere with the author's creative freedom. So if you would like to mention my name in the imprint, please state " Proofreading: Bente Amlandt ".